Roll Table
For this piece I wanted to focus on direct manipulations applied to sheet material to achieve volume. Folding, rolling, or bending sheet goods is one of the most direct and ways to create volume. I am interested in how these simple actions can transform flat material into dynamic forms.
This is the first piece in a series focusing on this idea. Thinking about simple motions like folding or wrapping; I plan on creating a set of objects made from repeatable parts and processes.
Steel, Dye-Oxide Patina
W- 35" H- 22" D- 20"

Coffee Table
Created with bent laminations made using a vacuum bag. I wanted to utilize the light weight structural character of bent lamination to create the appearance of volume. I was drawn to simple curvilinear forms and wanted to use the same form to create each different part of the table: legs, surface, and sides.
The design and fabrication of this table exemplifies my methodical approach, and my interest in order of operations.
Poplar Lamination, Paint
W- 33.5” H-17.25” D- 24.5”

CAD Models
CAD Models created using Rhino, Solid Works, AutoCAD, Illistrator, Photoshop, and Keyshot.
Emphasis is placed on surface continuity, precision, and creating models suitable for rapid prototyping.

This chair was made as a formal exploration. I was interested in creating "mass" through thick bent lamination. The form chosen for the seat and back are direct in their function widening at the bottom to meet the ground solidly.
I want this chair, in its simplicity, to invite investigation of the components and how they fit together.
Poplar Hardwood, Poplar Lamination, Paint
W- 18" D- 17" H- 29"

Dovetail Chair
Dovetail Chair was inspired by the experience of being able to put an object together.
I wanted to make the experience of assembling the chair central. The back and legs easily assemble and disassemble. This drove a lot of my decisions about the ways the pieces would attach and lock in simple motions.
Upholstery, Metal, Plywood Frame
W- 24” H-32” D- 26”

Stacking Chair
Stacking chairs present mechanical challenges; they must be both ergonomic and must fit on top of one another in a seamless fashion.
I wanted to create a simple and attractive stacking chair. The frame of the chair is created by laying parts one on top of another to achieve its stackable form.
Clear and Colored Plexi
W- 19.5" D- 26.5" H- 34.5"

Coat Rack
Inspired by the work of Alexander Calder this Coat Rack was a material and technical exercise in TIG Welding.
Mild Steel, Steel Rod, Mirrored Stainless Steel, Enamel Paint
W- 35” H-70” D- 24”

CAD Drawings
Series of Technical drawings using a range of programs including Illustrator, Photoshop, Rhino, AutoCAD.

Batch Production Lamp
This Lamp was made in a batch of ten. The focus of this design was efficacy and the reproducibility of each component.
Designed in collaboration with Tom Caycedo, Sruti Suryanarayanan, and Max Pratt.
Maple, Cork, Bristol Paper, Fabric, Brass Nobs, Electrical Cord

CNC Rocking Chair
This chair is a technical exercise in operating and programing files in MasterCAM for a CNC router. The chair was designed to be cut out of a single sheet of half-inch plywood using curve driven tool paths, and constructed using no glue or hardware.
Half Inch Plywood, Milk Paint